This ongoing series takes its name from The Flowering Spirit, the poetic and philosophical work by Zeami Motokiyo, the 14th-century Japanese master of Noh theatre. Zeami’s teachings describe the “flower” as a symbol of ephemeral beauty, artistry, and the deep resonance that comes from an authentic connection with one's subject. His philosophy celebrates the transient nature of life and the pursuit of capturing its essence with grace and mindfulness.
In the spirit of Zeami’s work, I approach each flower as more than a subject—it is an experience. I visit them over time, in varying lights, seasons, and moods, observing their lives closely. Each photograph seeks to convey not just their physical form but the feelings they inspire, echoing Zeami’s notion of the "flower" as something uniquely alive and fleeting. This series is a reflection on impermanence, presence, and the profound dialogue between the natural world and the human heart—a contemporary exploration of The Flowering Spirit's enduring wisdom.