Inspired by Tao Yuanming’s Peach Blossom Spring, this photo series reimagines the poet’s timeless vision of a secluded utopia—a world untouched by the chaos of the outside. Yuanming’s 4th-century poem tells of a fisherman who stumbles upon a paradise hidden behind a veil of peach blossoms, only to find it forever lost upon his return. This dreamlike quality of fleeting discovery lies at the heart of my work.
Each image is a fragment of this imagined journey—an interplay of stillness, reflection, and the quiet passage of time. The serene ponds with water lilies evoke moments of meditative pause, while layered textures and fleeting blossoms suggest the fragility and transience of such idealized spaces. Seasonal transitions, soft light, and abstracted elements guide the viewer through a narrative of discovery, wonder, and inevitable loss.
The series comprises nine images—a number rich with meaning in traditional Chinese philosophy, symbolizing the ultimate sense of fulfillment and completeness. Through this choice, I echo the poet’s vision of a utopia that, while elusive, offers a profound and satisfying glimpse into harmony and balance.
This work is not simply a retelling of an ancient poem but a contemporary reflection on its themes. In a world yearning for balance and connection, the search for stillness feels more urgent than ever.